Tuesday, December 25, 2007

California To Host GOP Debate Ahead of Super Tuesday Primaries

There will be a Presidential Debate in California at the Ronald Reagan Library just ahead of the huge February 5 Super Tuesday slate of primaries. The GOP debate will take place January 30, and only candidates who have finished in one of the top four spots in early voting states, or who have 5% of the vote in a California poll will be eligible for the debate. Without doubt, Mike Huckabee will be eligible!

Washington, D.C. (AHN) -- Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls are scheduled for a final debate before Super Tuesday, when 23 states hold their primaries all at the same time next year.

The Los Angels Times, Politico and CNN will hold nationally televised debates for GOP White House contenders on January 30 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. Democrats will battle it out the next day in Los Angeles.

The eligibility of candidates will be determined if they take one of top four places in an early voting state, and receive a minimum of 5 percent in a California poll by organizers or in one of 10 media-sponsored surveys, including The New York Times, CBS, USA Today/Gallup, in January.

The California debates will be last time all White House hopefuls will appear together on the same stage before the February 5 presidential primaries in 23 states.

Among Republicans, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are in a close contest for the top spots in national polls, while Democrats Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is joined by former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards as front-runners in the race for the party nomination.

Caucuses in Iowa on January 3 begin the presidential nominating contests for this election cycle.


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