Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mike Huckabee Gets It

I want to highlight the latter portion of Mike Huckabee's statement today on the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. His words make it clear that he "gets it" when it comes to the War on Terror:

Benazir Bhutto's assasination should also stand as a stark reminder for those who doubt the nature of our enemy.

I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. Radical Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and our way of life. They have sworn to annihilate each of us who believe in a free society, all in the name of a perversion of religion and an impersonal god. We go to great extremes to save lives, they go to great extremes to take them. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. We must fight the war on terror with the intensity and single-mindedness that it deserves.

Could anyone make a stronger statement than that? He understands the nature of the enemy, and he has the ability to communicate that understanding in a way that will galvanize the American people for the long struggle ahead. We need someone like Mike to lead us in the days to come.


Brian Walters said...
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Brian Walters said...

It's a good thing Mike Huckabee has stayed in a Holiday Inn once. What a tool. This guy is a joke and if the country wants someone mature and experienced on the international scene they will vote for Fred Thompson who has a comprehensive plan to rebuild our military strength. Check it out here:

Unknown said...

I think that Mike is a good Christian man. I think that FRED THOMPSON should be the next President of the United States.

Brian Walters said...

That I can agree with Tony!

Barbie said...

Mike Huckabee is the Best Presidential Candicate!
Check the real Facts!

Brian Walters said...

Tell me Barbie, what are the "real" facts?

That Huckabee taxes more than the other candidates? Check.

That Huckabee granted 1,033 clemencies/pardons of criminals? Check.

That Huckabee was endorsed by the NEA union which prohibits school choice? Check.

That Huckabee doesn't have one lick of foreign policy experience? Check.

That Huckabee had 14 ethics complaints filed against him for over $300,000 worth of gifts he received? Oh, but only 5 of them he was fined for so that makes it better. Check.

That Huckabee wants a nationwide "fair" tax AKA consumption tax at 23% to abolish the IRS that would never happen? Oh yeah, and that he forgets that in his plan he abolishes the IRS but creates another government bureaucracy? Check.

Any more facts?

Barbie said...

Yes I have just one more. To make it easy for you. The answer to each is posted right here:

The True Answers you dont have.

Keith Anders said...

You are a strong advocate for Fred Thompson. Without doubt, Fred Thompson is a fine man. I have chosen to support Mike Huckabee because he is right on the key issues of life, sanctity of marriage, supports fundamental tax reform, has signed the pledge to NOT raise taxes, and understands the nature of the War on Terror.

Fred Thompson is right on most of those issues as well. But a fundamental difference between the two is that Huckabee has the ability to COMMUNICATE these conservative principles in a way that people understand and rally to them. Fred is just not capable of doing that. He comes across as tired, worn-out, and without the ability to inspire or communicate well. Like it or not, the ability to communicate is vital to the success of a presidency. Huckabee has it -- Thompson does not.

Brian Walters said...

Barbie, you really think I'm going to trust Mike Huckabee to debunk his own lies? You must really be gullible.

Exactly what does the Club for Growth gain from bashing Mike Huckabee? Nothing.

How about NumbersUSA which judges candidates illegal immigration stances? They tear apart Huckabee too.

Is it just coincidence that all those groups bash him? What do they gain from it? Nothing.

Huckabee is a farce.

All you have to do is read Matthew 24:24 to learn all you need to about Huckabee.

Brian Walters said...

I would suggest you go to to read about the real truth.

Brian Walters said...

Keith, did you know Huckabee has already signed a no tax pledge before in the past?

He didn't keep that one so what makes you think he's going to keep this one?

Have you looked at Fred's tax reform plan? Huckabee's loony tax reform plan is a "fair" tax that all economists laugh at. Not only that but he talks tough and says he wants to abolish the IRS but his tax reform (as he calls it) creates a new government bureaucracy.

Answer me two questions. If Huckabee is such a good candidate then why...

1. ...have half the prominent baptists endorsed Fred Thompson?

2. ...did the Arkansas Republican Assembly endorse Fred Thompson by an overwhelming majority of 80% with Huckabee only getting 4.4%?

Steve said...

Why do all the supporters of the walking undead fredheads come out and fill the comments with Spam! They are almost as bad as the Cult of Paulites and their spam! They are both like Zombies following a brain dead master!
They both bring up the same lies that were first promoted by the Country club gang for greed! And they have all been dealt with and proven to be nothing but Propaganda! Its nothing but the same old regurgitated crud over and over again! not an original thought in their undead Brains!
When the undead like Fred first announced, I was all fired up! I think I was more fired up then he was! and that was the problem! I don't think that the Fred cared about it! its almost like he thought, Wow I could be president and not have to do a thing to get the job! And then I discovered that he really isn't very conservative! and supported many RINO bils! Fred is not my GUY! I will never be a deadhead for FRED!

Vote HUCKABEE for President
The Only TRUE conservative in the RACE

Unknown said...

I haven't heard one candidate on either side that actually understands the elements of this war. As I've written elsewhere, neither Afghanistan nor Pakistan is really a country in the sense that we know it...both are conglomerations of tribal areas under a central gov't "tolerated" by the warlords.

Brian Walters said...

Steve, just another Huckabee sheep. All the facts fly in your face but you still follow him and deny all his lies.

It is really sad actually the way you blindly follow such a liar. He really has you fooled.

Matthew 24:24 defines Mike Huckabee.

Brian Walters said...

Steve, do you even know what a conservative is? If you did you wouldn't be calling Huckabee one. The only conservative parts of Huckabee are his social views...everything else he is a liberal and talks like a democrat on...EVERYTHING else.

CraigRandall1 said...

Prediction: Huck carries Iowa, Michigan, S. Carolina, Florida & brian walters goes on suicide watch...

Unknown said...

Y'all have to forgive Huckabee...he lost alot of weight recently. As for the rest of this thread and the lack of perspective about the War on Terror...Hmmm :)

Brian Walters said...

Huckabee also said that Pakistan would be continuing martial law when martial law was removed a couple months ago in Pakistan.

He just doesn't have a clue when it comes to foreign matters...but he "did stay at a Holiday Inn once!" Does anyone else see the ridiculousness of that comment in light of the new happenings in Pakistan? What a moron.

Huckabee isn't going to win Iowa, he may not even finish 3rd in NH and he'll be out of the race like he should be. He has absolutely ZERO qualifications to be POTUS.

Anonymous said...

Brian Walters,

I'm a Fred supporter too. So I'm asking you to stop using Matthew 24:24 as a reason to no vote for Huckabee. You sound foolish, because Huckabee, although is not a conservative, is also no the antichrist. Just stop it. Your not helping Fred Thompson at all.

Keith Anders said...

Brian Walters,
I removed your comments in which you crossed the line from criticizing Mike Huckabee to disparaging him as a "false prophet". I'm glad to have you post your thoughts here, Brian, but you must be civil and respectful. Keep it on the issues.

joepac said...

I believe that Mike H. will be a good president in the future, but I would like to see him gain experience as the VP of President McCain.

Brian Walters said...

More Huckabee gaffes today:

-He said Afghanistan is on the eastern border of Pakistan when it is the western border

-He said Pakistan had 660 illegal immigrants enter the United States last year when that number was over the last FOUR years.

-He said that Pakistan had the second highest number of illegal immigrants enter the United States after the Central American countries when China, South Korea, Philippines, and India all had more.

The guy just doesn't have a clue when it comes to foreign policy. He has by far the weakest qualifications to be President of the United States.

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