Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mike Huckabee Message to Supporters from New Hampshire

Here is what Mike Huckabee wrote to supporters tonight after coming in third in New Hampshire:

I just finished speaking to our supporters in new Hampshire before heading off to South Carolina. We are running a strong third place finish as I write, our rivals had a long history in New Hampshire, deeper organizations and millions of dollars of advertising in the state. Just weeks ago we were polling 5th and 6th in the state. Tonight we finished strong and came in third. A special thanks to the people of New Hampshire! Thank you to the volunteers on the ground and our dedicated campaign staff that made this happen.

Our ideas are resonating: our strong support for life and marriage, securing our borders, preventative health care, energy independence and massive tax reform all helped propel us here.

Lets keep it going. Important primaries in Michigan, South Carolina and Florida are ahead of us and we must be prepared.


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