Thursday, December 27, 2007

Huckabee Maintains Lead in Iowa - 12/27/07

With just one week to go to the Iowa Caucuses, a new Strategic Vision Poll shows Mike Huckabee maintaining his lead there over Mitt Romney by two percentage points. Fred Thompson is a distant third with John McCain surging and about to overtake Thompson for third place. Here are the numbers:

On the Republican side, the race is also extremely tight, with Huckabee appearing to tick down over the last ten days while Romney appears to have ticked up, and McCain looking to be making up late ground.

Huckabee 29 (-2 vs. last poll Dec 16-18)
Romney 27 (+2)
Thompson 15 (-1)
McCain 14 (+6)
Giuliani 4 (-2)
Paul 4 (-1)
Undecided 6 (nc)

Overall, Huckabee still leads by 3.0% in the latest RCP Average for Iowa.


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